Dreamlight waste cleaning and recycling company Our business is about collecting waste and recycling

Our proposed Pitch is Producing bottled biogas, fuel briquette and organic compost products from waste.


This venture has not initiated a round of financing on this platform. If they choose to, the summary of the fundraising round will appear to registered investors here.


We have an elevator pitch. We want you to sign an NDA before we share our business plan. We plan to develop a new offering for our current <abbr title="Base of the Pyramid">BoP</abbr> customers.
We have an elevator pitch. We want you to sign an NDA before we share our business plan. We plan to develop a new offering for our current BoP customers.

Our proposed Pitch is Producing bottled biogas, fuel briquette and organic compost products from waste.


Our founder has the business savvy and persistence to turn ideas into a company. We can build the product. Given the time and money, we can deliver on our promises.
Our founder has the business savvy and persistence to turn ideas into a company. We can build the product. Given the time and money, we can deliver on our promises.

The team is composed of General manager, production manager, marketing mananger, finance and logistics manager and human resource manager.Under these managers there are also technical staffs


We have a demo or prototype and are ready for the next step. We have developed the product ourselves and own all of the <abbr title="Intellectual property (IP) rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind.">IP</abbr> for the product.
We have a demo or prototype and are ready for the next step. We have developed the product ourselves and own all of the IP for the product.

Our current products are waste collection service and fuel briquette products


We have a cash-flow prognosis. We already have revenue from paying customers.
We have a cash-flow prognosis. We already have revenue from paying customers.

Dream light Plc will generate income from (1) waste collection services for Bahir dar city Municipality (2) sale of bottled biogas with LPG cylinder for urban and rural households, hotels, restaurants and cafes (3) sale of fuel briquette logs to urban and rural households, hotel and restaurants, cafes, coffee houses and (4) sale of organic fertilizer/compost to rural farmers and urban agriculture enterprises.


We involve low-income groups as consumers. We involve low-income groups as producers. We involve low-income groups as distributors. We involve low-income groups as employees.

Our business is inclusive because the business is going to benefit primarly poor women and girls by reducing thier work burden and health problems. Besides, we are proposing to purchase waste from poor women and they will generate additional income.

We involve low-income groups as consumers. We involve low-income groups as producers. We involve low-income groups as distributors. We involve low-income groups as employees.

The proposed business has wide range of social impact to low income people through creating job opportunities as an input suppliers, employees and product distributors. We will create new job opportunity for 260 low income people as waste supplier, company employee and distributors. Income of 300 waste collectors will increase from sale of waste to our company. our business will create affordable and clean biogas and fuel briquette energy access to 11,836 low income people.

  1. Idea and Stage

  2. Team and Organization

  3. Market and Marketing

  4. Finance

  5. Impact

  6. Investment

